Blood Bowl Death Match


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Blood Bowl Death Match – Das einzige, was besser ist, als Blood Bowl auf dem Spielfeld zu spielen, ist, es in einem Dungeon-Crawl mit Portalen und Fallen zu mischen. In dieser ersten Erweiterung für Dungeon Bowl tritt das College of Death gegen das College of Life in einem allmächtigen Kampf zwischen zwei Teams gemischter Spieler, neuen Dungeon-Kacheln, Spielmarken und mehr an – haltet Ausschau nach dem wandernden Werwolf.

Ab Samstag11/26/2022 hier vorbestellbar!

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Blood Bowl Death Match

Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

Dungeon Bowl is the game of subterranean sporting mayhem, played between two Blood Bowl coaches. In this expansion set, the College of Life’s Emerald Crusaders face off against the College of Death’s Black Widows, as two teams explore a sprawling dungeon with a customisable layout – including the lair of a deadly werewolf. Will you be able to score a crucial touchdown, or will you be scuppered by the traps and opponents you encounter along the way?

Inside this expansion box, you’ll find the following miniatures:

13 College of Death miniatures in bone-coloured plastic:
– 1x Wraith
– 1x Flesh Golem
– 1x Mummy
– 1x Wight Blitzer
– 2x Ghoul Runners
– 2x Skeleton Linemen
– 5x Zombie Linemen

12 College of Life miniatures in green plastic:
– 1x Halfling Hefty
– 1x Halfling Catcher
– 1x Wood Elf Thrower
– 1x Wood Elf Catcher
– 1x Wood Elf Wardancer
– 3x Wood Elf Linemen
– 4x Halfling Hopeful Linemen

– 1x neutral Wandering Werewolf, for use with the Werewolf’s Lair tile

The box also contains:
– 7x brand new double-sided Dungeon Tiles, lavishly detailed and themed around the Colleges of Life and Death
– 18x Dungeon Bowl Door Tokens
– A 36-page softcover Death Match Rulebook rendered as a Spike! Journal yearbook detailing the 2494 season, including all the rules you need to play Death Match using the new Dungeon Tiles, six Sponsors, and two featured teams

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.

You’ll need a copy of Dungeon Bowl to make use of this supplement.