Goblin Team Cards


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Goblin Team Cards – Alle Stats im Überblick mit den Team Cards der Goblins

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Goblin Team Cards

Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Goblin Teams.

This set includes:
– 8 Player Reference cards for Bomma, Looney, Fanatic, Goblin Lineman, Pogoer, Ooligan, Doom Diver, and Trained Troll
– 2 Star Player cards for The Black Gobbo and Varag Ghoul-Chewer
– 8 Dirty Tricks Special Play cards
– 8 Miscellaneous Mayhem Special Play cards
– 17 Blank Player cards: 1x Bomma, 1x Looney, 1x Fanatic, 9x Goblin Lineman, 1x Pogoer, 1x Ooligan, 1x Doom Diver, and 2x Trained Troll
– The all-important card explaining how to use the cards, with a red card on the reverse

You’ll need a copy of Blood Bowl – The Official Rules to make full use of these cards.